International Affair Cell
The institute aims to boost its participation in international activities by developing strategic action plan and timely follow-up of the same for enhancing international activities. A few initially foreseen activities (but not limited to) in the direction of achieving this aim is to strengthen academic collaboration through invited lectures, technical interactions, joint academic and research projects with foreign faculty members, students internships in foreign universities and industries, interaction with foreign industries, etc. . For increasing institutes participation in the ranking processes of various ranking agencies, sustained activities and their record maintenance efforts are needed. The institute has formed the ‘INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS CELL’ to undertake these activities. The following committee will coordinate the efforts to achieve the goals under the International Affairs Cell. Dr. Shital S. Chiddarwar coordinates the activities as an Associate Dean (International Affairs).
Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Department | Email ID |
1. | Dr. Shital S. Chiddarwar | Chairman | Mechanical Engg. | shitalsc[at]mec[dot]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in
s.chiddarwar[at]gmail[dot]com |
2. | Dr. Ritesh Keshri | Member | Electrical Engg. | riteshkeshri[at]eee[dot]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in
riteshkeshri[at]gmail[dot]com |
3 | Dr. Ritesh Lokhande | Member | Mining Engg. | riteshlokhande[at]mng[dot]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in
riteshlokhande[at]gmail[dot]com |
4. | Dr. Abhishekh Banerjee | Member | Chemistry | abhishekhbanergee[at]chm[dot]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in
toabhi12[at]gmail[dot]com |
5. | Dr. Rahul V. Ralegoankar | Member | Civil .Engg. | rvlagonakatr [at]civ[dot]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in |
6. | Dr. Poonam Sharma | Member | Comp.Science & Engg. | poonamsharma[at]cse[dot]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in |
7. | Dr. Ravi Dumpala | Member | Mechanical Engg. | ravikumardumpala[at]mec[dot]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in
ravidumpala[at]yahoo[dot]com |
8. | Dr. Atul Ballal | Member | Metallurgical & Material Engg. | atulballal[at]mme[dot]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in |
9. | Dr. Prabhat Sharma | Member | Electronics Engg. | prabhatsharma[at]ece[dot]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in |
10. | Dr. Sameer Deshkar | Member | Architecture | smdeshkar[at]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in |
The committee proactively works for the above stated objectives. The committee meets t least once a month and reports the developments to the director.
Dr. Shital S. Chiddarwar
Associate Dean(International Affairs)
International Affairs Cell,
VNIT Campus, South Ambazari Road, Nagpur
Maharashtra State, INDIA 440010
Email: international [at] vnit[dot]ac[dot]in , associate dean_iac[at]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Ph: +91-0712-2801167