Through dedication and sincerity to excellence, our faculty and professionals provide knowledge and academic foundation for the students to develop industrial skills and competence which will aid them in becoming Professionals.
Prof. Prem Lal Patel took over the charge as Director of VNIT, Nagpur on 21st May 2024. He is Professor (HAG) of Hydraulics and Water Resources in Department of Civil Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat. He served as Deputy Director of the institute (SVNIT) during Sept 17, 2019 to Sept. 16, 2022. He worked as Dean (PG), Dean (R&C), Dean (Academic), and the Head, Dept. of Civil Engineering at SVNIT Surat. Prior to joining SVNIT in 2007, he served as Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department in Delhi College of Engineering (now DTU) for eight years. Prior to working at DCE, he served as Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) in Border Roads Organization (BRO), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways of India, Govt. of India from 1995-1999. He did his Bachelors in Civil Engineering from Government Engineering College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India and, then, pursued his Master and Doctoral Degrees in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India (the then University of Roorkee).
His research areas include River Mechanics and Flood Control; Hydrological
Modelling and optimization of water systems; and Impact of climate change
on water resources system. He guided 14 Doctoral Theses, 49 Master Theses
and executed more than six high values sponsored research projects and more
than 25 Consultancy Projects. He has more than 260 papers in peer-reviewed
journals and conferences of repute. He is a member of various Technical Societies
and Expert Committees. Prof. Patel visited various countries like the United States
of America, Netherlands, China, Italy, Japan and Dubai for presenting his research work.
He was earlier in climate changing working group of IAHR dealing with Fluvial Mechanism.
He is also Fellow member of Indian Society for Hydraulics, Indian Water Resources Society,
and Institution of Civil Engineers, India. He has been instrumental in setting up a Centre
of Excellence (CoE) on Water Resources & Flood Management in the SVNIT Surat through research
grant from World Bank sponsored TEQIP-II.
Prof. Pramod M. Padole, Professor (HAG) is a professor of mechanical engineering and former director of VNIT Nagpur. Prof. Padole is an erudite professor, popular teacher and eminent researcher with a dream to use science and technology for better community life. Prof. Padole is also an alumnus of VNIT, Nagpur. He did his BE (Mech.) & PhD from VNIT and Master’s in Machine.
Mechanisms and Machine Design, finite element method and Bio mechanical engineering are his research areas. Prof. Padole has guided 17 PhD research scholars and supervised more than 50 M.Tech projects. Presently 4 PhD research scholars are working under him. He has more than 140 research publications in reputed international and national journals to his credit. He has two Patents to his name. Prof. Padole has visited various countries like Germany, UK, USA, Romania, France and Hon Kong for presenting his research work & has chaired technical sessions at prestigious international conferences. Prof. Padole also worked as the President of Bio-medical engineering forum and developed functional and applied technologies & implants. Prof. Padole has successfully completed more than 14 consultancy projects in the areas of appropriate technology, design and finite element analysis which were funded by DST, Ministry of Education (Shiksha Mantralaya), KVIC and AICTE.
Dr. Shital S. Chiddarwar works in the domain of Robot Motion Planning, Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Adaptive Control. She has done B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) from VRCE (now VNIT) Nagpur and M.Tech. (Production Engineering) from Nagpur University. She has done Ph.D. in Robot Motion Planning from IIT Madras. She has 10 years of teaching experience. She teaches Manufacturing process automation, Industrial robotics, Robotics and Machine Vision, Machine Vision and its Applications, Artificial Intelligence to undergraduate as well as post graduate students. She has published 15 papers in SCI journals and 5 in reputed journals, 47 international conferences and 3 books to her credential. She is the member of Association for Machines and Mechanisms, IEEE, Robotics Society of India, IIIE and ISTE. She has completed the DST Fast Track Project and COE Humanoid project. She has filed nine patents with her students and one is granted. She has guided 6 Ph.D. students and currently 3 are pursuing PhD in her guidance. She has guided 20 plus master's students and 40 plus undergraduate students for their projects. She mentors IvLabs -the unique robotics and AI lab of VNIT.
Dr. Mangesh Kotambkar possesses a total experience of 30 years out of which five years is in valve industries. Designed Gate, Globe and Swing Check valves of size ranging from 2” to 36” of various pressure ratings 150# to 1500#. Successfully handled a complete project of brass valve division in collaboration with Schubert and Salzer, Ingolstadt (German company). The project includes machine layout, commissioning, running pilot batch, manpower training, etc. I have been teaching Engineering Drawing, Computer Programming, Machine design, Solid Mechanics, Theory of machine and Mechanics of Composite. Currently he is working as an assistant Professor in VNIT Nagpur.
Dr. Ravikumar Dumpala is specialized in the area of surface engineering, tribo wear analysis of hard materials, and machining of aerospace materials, currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur. His teaching interests are Metrology, Design of Fixtures in Manufacturing, Manufacturing Technology, Engineering Drawing, Production Drawing, and Advanced Engineering Materials. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2014 from IIT Madras.
Dr. Dhananjay Jolhe is an Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engg., (VNIT), Nagpur. He has done Ph. D. in Mechanical Engg. from IIT Bombay; M. Tech. (Industrial Engg.) from VNIT, Nagpur; and B.E. (Production Engg.) from Amravati University. He has about 28 years of experience in Engineering Education. His fields of interest are Ergonomics & Human Factor Engineering, Quality Engineering & Management, Manufacturing Simulation, System Dynamics, and Industry 4.0. He is a certified professional in Industry 4.0 and a known trainer in the field of smart manufacturing. He has delivered multiple lectures and training programs on product design, value engineering, Quality 4.0, Industry 4.0, Six Sigma, QFD, leadership, motivation, etc. He is an author of popular books on Engineering Drawing published by McGraw Hill Education.
Dr. Ravindra Keskar is an Associate Professor, Deptt of Computer Science & Engg, VNIT, Nagpur, He has done B.E. from VRCE (VNIT) Nagpur in 1997, M.Tech. (Computer Science) in 1999 from IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai & PhD in Computer Science in 2015 from VNIT, Nagpur. He is having Total experience – 22 years (as on 1st March 2021), out of which around 10 years of experience is in the software industry, first as Senior Research Associate at Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd, Bangalore during March 1999- May 2004 and then as Senior Technical Leader at Persistent Systems Ltd, during June 2004-December 2008. Since 1st January 2009, he has been at VNIT, Nagpur.He has research projects worth around Rs 85 lakhs awarded by National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA, for around 47 Lakhs) and IBM USA (for around 38 lakhs) to his credit. He has done industrial consultancy worth around Rs 25 lakhs as of now.
Dr.Arghya Mitra received his B.E. degree from Jadavpur University in 2002 and the M. Tech. degree from the University of Calcutta, in 2008. He did his PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in the year 2015. He has received POSOCO Power System Award 2016 for his contribution in the field of power system through his PhD work. He is a Sr. Member of IEEE and was Member Development Chair of IEEE Nagpur Sub-section in 2019. Dr. Mitra is working as Co-PI in the DST funded Renewable Energy EMPOWERING European and Indian Communities (RE-EMPOWERED) under EU-India Horizon 2020 Program with Indian side Budget of Rs. 9.15 Crores. He is also working with BARC, Mumbai in a collaborative project amounting Rs.45 Lakhs. He is the Secretary of IEEE Bombay Section Joint Chapter PES/IAS and was also the Secretary of IEEE Bombay Section Joint Chapter PELS/IES in 2019-2020. He is one of the Technical Committee Members of IEEE IES Transportation Electrification. Presently he is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at VNIT Nagpur.
Dr. T V K Gupta is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, VNIT Nagpur. He graduated from V R Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh in 1998 followed by M.Tech from N.I.T. Warangal in 2001. Later he was awarded PhD from IIT Kanpur in the area of Abrasive Water Jet Machining for micro channel fabrication. His research includes Hard Material Machining, CAD/CAM, Metal Additive Manufacturing. At present, he is working on Metal Additive Manufacturing using Laser Cladding Process for which he was awarded the Early Career Research project by DST with Rs. 37.20 Lacs. A grant of Rs. 67.8 Lakhs from DST, Govt. of India with 20% from Industry was sanctioned to develop a 3D component of Inconel 718 alloy with Laser Cladding process. A project to develop a system for service life enhancement of the railway track joint at crossing using Direct Energy Deposition technique has been submitted to RDSO, Ministry of Railways of worth 3.2 Crores.
Prof. Pramod M. Padole, Professor (HAG) in the department of Mechanical Engineering, VNIT Nagpur has taken charge as the Director of Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur on 28th June, 2018. Prof. Padole is an erudite professor, popular teacher and eminent researcher with a dream to use science and technology for better community life. Prof. Padole is also an alumnus of VNIT, Nagpur. He did his BE (Mech.) & PhD from VNIT and Master’s in Machine.
Mechanisms and Machine Design, finite element method and Bio mechanical engineering are his research areas. Prof. Padole has guided 17 PhD research scholars and supervised more than 50 M.Tech projects. Presently 4 PhD research scholars are working under him. He has more than 140 research publications in reputed international and national journals to his credit. He has two Patents to his name. Prof. Padole has visited various countries like Germany, UK, USA, Romania, France and Hon Kong for presenting his research work & has chaired technical sessions at prestigious international conferences. Prof. Padole also worked as the President of Bio-medical engineering forum and developed functional and applied technologies & implants. Prof. Padole has successfully completed more than 14 consultancy projects in the areas of appropriate technology, design and finite element analysis which were funded by DST, Ministry of Education (Shiksha Mantralaya), KVIC and AICTE.
Dr. Pradyumn Chaturvedi received the B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India, in 1996; the M.E. degree in Power Electronics from Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Bhopal, in 2001; and the Ph.D. degree from the National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, in 2010. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India. He has published more than 90 research papers in international/national refereed journals and refereed international/national conferences. He has co-authored one book titled, “Modeling and Control of Power Electronics Converter System for Power Quality Improvements”, Academic Press, Elsevier Publisher.
Dr. Shital S. Chiddarwar works in the domain of Robot Motion Planning, Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Adaptive Control. She has done B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) from VRCE (now VNIT) Nagpur and M.Tech. (Production Engineering) from Nagpur University. She has done Ph.D. in Robot Motion Planning from IIT Madras. She has 10 years of teaching experience. She teaches Manufacturing process automation, Industrial robotics, Robotics and Machine Vision, Machine Vision and its Applications, Artificial Intelligence to undergraduate as well as post graduate students. She has published 15 papers in SCI journals and 5 in reputed journals, 47 international conferences and 3 books to her credential. She is the member of Association for Machines and Mechanisms, IEEE, Robotics Society of India, IIIE and ISTE. She has completed the DST Fast Track Project and COE Humanoid project. She has filed nine patents with her students and one is granted. She has guided 6 Ph.D. students and currently 3 are pursuing PhD in her guidance. She has guided 20 plus master's students and 40 plus undergraduate students for their projects. She mentors IvLabs -the unique robotics and AI lab of VNIT.
Dr. Poonam Sharma is an Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Science and Engineering VNIT, Nagpur. She completed her PhD degree from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India. She has more than 15 yrs of teaching experience in Computer Science and Engineering. Her research area includes Biometrics, Computer Vision and Machine learning. She is a recipient of Visvesvaraya young faculty fellowship from the government of India. She has completed a project sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi.
Dr. Pradnya Ghare is Working as Assistant Professor, in the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, VNIT, Nagpur. She has done PhD (Electronics & Comm. Engg)- From VNIT Nagpur and has a total teaching experience of 20 Years. Her research area includes Wireless sensor networks, Body sensor networks and Analog circuit design. She has developed various products such as automated saline level monitoring system, Touch-free sanitizer dispenser, smart water bottle etc. She worked as Chairperson for Women cell at IIIT Nagpur. She worked as reviewer for various journals such as International Journal of Electronics and Communication (AEUE), taylor and Fransis.
Umesh A. Deshpande has done his B.Tech from VNIT, Nagpur, M.Tech. from IIT-Bombay, and Ph.D. from IIT-Kharagpur in Computer Science and Engg. He was a Research Engineer at Center for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), New Delhi for about two years. For the last 25 years, he is a faculty member in the Dept. of Computer Science and Engg., VNIT, Nagpur. He has won the IETE Sir JC Bose Memorial Award for the Best Engineering Oriented Paper in 2003, the Best Paper awards in the International Conference - ADCOM 2006 and in International Conference – ICACNI 2014. His areas of interest include Artificial Intelligence, Distributed Systems, Real Time Systems, Wireless networks and IoT and Systems Biology. He is a reviewer of many International Journals like the ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics and the Journal of Applied Soft Computing of Elsevier Science.
Dr. Atul B. Andhare is currently working as an Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering at Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur. Dr. Andhare has over 33 years of industrial and teaching experience in VNIT Nagpur and other organizations like IIT Bombay and SVNIT Surat. He had obtained his Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in the area of Condition Monitoring of Rolling Bearings. His research interests include machinery vibration and condition monitoring, Machine Design and Machining of Super alloys. He is also a reviewer for various reputed journals of Springer, Elsevier, Sage, Taylor and Francis, etc. Dr. Andhare has also worked in various capacities such as Associate Dean (Training and Placement), Chairman and Co Chairman for M. Tech. Admissions, Hostel Warden, etc.
Dr. Ashwinkumar Dhoble received the B.E. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Visvesvaraya Regional College of Engineering ( Now VNIT), Nagpur India, in 1993; the M.Tech. degree in Automotive Engine Technology , in 1999 from IIT Madras; and the Ph.D. degree from the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, in 2012. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India. He has published more than 50 research papers in international/national refereed journals and refereed international/national conferences. He is also a reviewer for various reputed journals of Springer, Elsevier etc.
Dr. Shital S. Chiddarwar works in the domain of Robot Motion Planning, Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Adaptive Control. She has done B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) from VRCE (now VNIT) Nagpur and M.Tech. (Production Engineering) from Nagpur University. She has done Ph.D. in Robot Motion Planning from IIT Madras. She has 10 years of teaching experience. She teaches Manufacturing process automation, Industrial robotics, Robotics and Machine Vision, Machine Vision and its Applications, Artificial Intelligence to undergraduate as well as post graduate students. She has published 15 papers in SCI journals and 5 in reputed journals, 47 international conferences and 3 books to her credential. She is the member of Association for Machines and Mechanisms, IEEE, Robotics Society of India, IIIE and ISTE. She has completed the DST Fast Track Project and COE Humanoid project. She has filed nine patents with her students and one is granted. She has guided 6 Ph.D. students and currently 3 are pursuing PhD in her guidance. She has guided 20 plus master's students and 40 plus undergraduate students for their projects. She mentors IvLabs -the unique robotics and AI lab of VNIT.
Dr. Atul B. Andhare is currently working as an Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering at Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur. Dr. Andhare has over 33 years of industrial and teaching experience in VNIT Nagpur and other organizations like IIT Bombay and SVNIT Surat. He had obtained his Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in the area of Condition Monitoring of Rolling Bearings. His research interests include machinery vibration and condition monitoring, Machine Design and Machining of Super alloys. He is also a reviewer for various reputed journals of Springer, Elsevier, Sage, Taylor and Francis, etc. Dr. Andhare has also worked in various capacities such as Associate Dean (Training and Placement), Chairman and Co Chairman for M. Tech. Admissions, Hostel Warden, etc.
Dr. Rashmi Uddanwadiker is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. She has been appointed as Associate Dean (PR) for VNIT. She has 23 years of teaching and research experience. She is actively involved in Biomedical engineering research and has 80 papers in International journals and conferences. Her 02 patents are granted, 9 patents are published and two copyrights are registered. She has authored three books. Two of her technologies are transferred to industries. She is a proud recipient of two awards, "Inspiring Woman Scientist" for 2014 and "Woman Innovator award" for year 2019