
PO's / PEO's

Departmental Newsletter

Student Chapter

Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
SICE 2024
SICE 2024
Dr. Ravindra Taiwade has published a textbook on Welding Techniques

About Department 


A department, growing at pace matching with global trends, emerging as one of the world’s leading academic organizations for its advanced knowledge base and cutting-edge research contributions. 


The mission of the department is:

  • To link the human resource with the knowledge base in the field of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering in such a way that the challenges faced by the mankind in optimum utilization of the materials resources are successfully met with.
  • To stride on every front of knowledge dissemination through teaching learning process, research and development and offering expert solutions to the technological problems.
  • To integrate human resource with highest attainable level of knowledge on materials with various channels functioning for its efficient dissemination for the welfare of the mankind.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO1: To develop scientific concepts and analytical capabilities.

PEO2: To define and understand the engineering concepts involved in Metallurgical and Materials related to production, processing, working and failure.

PEO3: To create and improve skills and acquaint with social and economic aspects of technology related to metal and materials.

PEO4: To acquaint with details of the science and engineering involved in production, processing, function, failure of materials of various ferrous, non-ferrous systems.

PEO5: To prepare research capability for advancement of the subject.


    • Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (MME) department was founded in 1965 with the first batch passing in 1969.
    • The MME department has a high end faculty and well equipped facilities.
    • It has well recognized  UG (B.Tech.), PG (M.Tech.), and PhD programs.
    • Curriculum, course content, teaching methodology, and the nature of projects by students keep pace with the developing science and the cutting edge technological and industrial advances.
    • The diverse research projects supports the industrial testing and consultancy.
    • Active involvement in continuing education programs on Welding, Failure analysis, Testing and QC, Casting and Solidification ProcessesElectric steel making, Structure-Property Correlation etc. for industry professionals.

Department Stats

PG Specialisations
0 +
Publications (This Year)
0 +
Patents (This Year)