The VNIT Library is 5 decades old having an independent three storied building. The collections of books and journals have been methodically developed through the years. It is always ensured that the collection is dynamic in nature by stacking separately ACTIVE and rarely used collection in tune with changes in syllabi.
The Library and Information Resources centre is automated and uses LIBSYS software. Students and faculty access library information through ONLINE PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOUGUE(OPAC).
Sr. No. | Post | Name | Role | Photograph |
1. | Associate Dean, Education Technology & Library Services | Dr. Anupama Kumar | Advisory & Policy Making | ![]() |
2. | OSD , I/c Librarian | Dr. Jameel Ansari librarian[at]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in | Head of Library and Information Unit | ![]() |
3. | Assistant Librarian | Mrs. Poonam Harode pmharode[at]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in | To Assist Librarian in routine | ![]() |
4. | Technician S G I | Shri. U. D. Sukhadeve acquisitions@library.vnit.ac.in | Acquisition – Section in-charge | ![]() |
5. | Library and information Assistant | Vipin Kumar email – vipinkumar@vnit.ac.in | Circulation incharge | ![]() |
6. | Library and information Assistant | Suhas D. Bhopale email- suhasbhopale@vnit.ac.in | Circulation | ![]() |
7. | Library and information Assistant | Amit Kumar email – amitkumar@vnit.ac.in | Periodical incharge | ![]() |
8. | Technician S G II | Smt. S. V. Potdar circulation@library.vnit.ac.in | Circulation Section in-charge | ![]() |
9. | Technician S G II | Shri. M. D. Jaiswal bvolumes@library.vnit.ac.in | Bound Volume & LIB Store Section – In-charge | ![]() |
10. | Assistant S G-II | Mr. Nitin Dhawale nitindhawale[at]vnit[dot]ac[dot]in Incharge:socialwelfare@library.vnit.ac.in | SWBB,Circulation and DSR | ![]() |
Subscribed Journals for the year 2023
Sr. No | E JOURNALS | No. of Titles | Subjects | URL
1. | Springer 1700 Title and 01 Nature Journal (Click here) | 1701 | Computer Science, Mathematics ,Physics, Material Science, Chemistry, Social Science, Engineering | https://link.springer.com/ |
2. | Elsevier Five Subject Collection (Click here) | 757 | 1. Engineering 2.MaterialScience 3.Computer science 4. Chemistry 5. Chemical Engg. | https://www.sciencedirect.com/ |
3. | IEEE/IET Electronic Library Level 2 Journals (IEL) (Click here) | 377 | 1. Electrical, 2. Electronics 3. Computer Science | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp |
4. | Springer Journal Archives (Click here) | Journals Subscribed till date | https://link.springer.com/ | |
5. | Urban Studies & Planning (SAGE) (Click here) | 43 | Civil & Architecture | http://journals.sagepub.com |
6 | American Physical Society (APS) (Click here) | 18 | Physics Mathematics | https://journals.aps.org/ |
7. | IETE Journals (Online + Print) | 03 | IETE Journal of Research IETE Journal of Education IETE Technical Review | http://iete-elan.ac.in/elan/membership/journalsTF.jsp?button=Click+to+Access+IETE+Journals |
Centrally Funded e Resources through E Shodh Sindhu | ||||
SR No. | Resource Description | Resource Type | No. of Titles | URL |
1 | ACM Digital Library | ftdatabase | 158 | https://dl.acm.org/ |
2 | ASCE Journals Online | fulltext | 34 | https://ascelibrary.org/ |
3 | ASME Journals Online | fulltext | 33 | http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/ |
4 | Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID) Database | database |
| http://isid.org.in/poli.html |
5 | JGate Plus (JCCC) | database |
| https://jgatenext.com/ |
6 | JSTOR | ftdatabase |
| http://www.jstor.org/ |
7 | Oxford University Press eSS Collection-262 titles | fulltext | 262 | https://academic.oup.com/journals/ |
8 | Web of Science Lease Access (20 year backfiles) | database |
Click here for ESS Journal List 2024
E-Resources | |
Elsevier (1150) | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookbshsrw |
CRC & Taylor & Francis (0224 Titles) | http://www.tandfebooks.com/ |
Wiley(576 Titles) | http://as.wiley.com/WileyCDA/ |
Springer (1324 +884+2630 = 4838 Titles) | https://link.springer.com/ |
Pearson (444 Titles) | |
MC Graw Hill (326 + 568 = 894 Titles) | http://mcgrawhilleducation.pdn.ipublishcentral.com/ |
The following class of members are eligible to borrow the documents against their quota stated below and defined to the system.
Sr. No. | Library Users | Loan Period | No of Documents entitled |
1. | Chairman | 6 Months | 20 Books |
2. | Director | 6 Months | 20 Books |
3. | Deputy Director | 6 Months | 20 Books |
4. | Administrative Officer | 6 Months | 20 Books |
5. | Professor | 6 Months | 20 Books |
6. | Asso. Professor | 6 Months | 20 Books |
7. | Assist. Professor | 6 Months | 20 Books |
8. | Lecturer | 6 Months | 20 Books |
9. | Temp. Lecturer | 30 Days | 02 Books |
10. | Teaching Assistant | 60 Days | 05 Books |
11. | Ministerial Staff | 60 Days | 04 Books |
12. | Research Assistant | 60 Days | 04 Books |
13. | Research Scholar | 14 Days | 06 Books |
14. | Ph.D. Students | 14 Days | 07 Books |
15. | PG Students | 14 Days | 07 Books |
16. | UG Students | 14 Days | 07 Books |
17. | Alumni | 30 Days | 02 Books |
General Library Rules
1. The staff members of information unit at property counter are authorised to verify and examine everything that goes in or out of the unit.
2. No outside student from any other engineering college is allowed without proper authorisation from the respective Principal.
3. All the documents to be taken on loan should be presented at the entrance gate for verification and then only he/she would be allowed to take away the documents.
4. General etiquettes are expected from every member of information unit and clientele; as such Singing, Loud Speaking, Shouting, Spitting, Sleeping, Smoking, talking on mobile, etc are strictly prohibited.
5. Identity card is compulsory for getting access to the library. If any student is caught with duplicate identity cards for getting access / issuing library books, strict disciplinary action will be initiated as per institute rules.
6. All the users are requested to switch off their mobiles or keep it on vibration mode.
7. The Librarian reserve the right to suspend / cancel the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or for any other indecent/ indiscipline behavior.
8. The library will not be responsible for users’ personal belongings /property lost in the library.
Rules related to borrowing of books
1.Documents borrowed from the information unit are not transferable and borrowers are responsible for what they borrow. No plea will be heard from them and they must verify the documents in good condition before leaving the library.
2.The documents from reference section are only meant for on site consultation and normally are not issued.
3. The book which is lost by the borrower need to be reported and replaced with recent edition of the same and if the book is not available in the market , one has to pay 10 times of the original cost of book along with 10 % as negligence charges.
4. Every document has RFID tag. Any mutilation to RFID tag attracts Rs. 1000 penalty.
5. A library fine for overdue document be levied per book of Rs. 10/- for first week after due date, additional Rs. 20/- per book for next week, and adding Rs 50/- per book after two weeks of due date.
Library Collection
General Books | 72,817 |
Book Bank | 28,574 |
Books for economically weak students | 15978 |
E- Books | 8126 |
National | 01 |
Gratis Periodical Received in Library | 101 |
Indian Standards | 8759 |
Society Standards | 337 |
Bound Volumes | 23000 + |
Full Text/Images Services (Proactive or Reactive)
1. | Current Awareness Services for Journals | Monthly |
2. | Selective Dissemination of Information Service | Research Staff |
3. | Reference Service | UG / PG Student / Ph.D. Scholars |
4. | Referral Service | For Outside Libraries & Staff |
5. | Interlibrary Loan Service | UG / PG Students &Teaching Staff |
6. | Database Service | UG / PG Students &Teaching Staff |
7. | Reprographic Service | For All |
8. | Technical Inquiry and Special Services | Outside Members with permission |
9. | Bibliographic Service | PG Students / Researchers |
10. | OPAC (On Line Public Access Catalogue Service) | Staff, Students & Other Members |
11. | Resource Sharing | NEERI, CPRI, IBM, University Library & Special Libraries |
Newspaper & Magazines
Sr. No. | News paper (Print) | Magazines (Print) |
1. | Employment News (English) | Science India (Monthly) |
2. | Lokmat (Marathi) | Current Science (fortnightly) |
3. | Sakal (Marathi) | India Today (Weekly) |
4. | Tarun Bharat (Marathi) | The Week (Weekly) |
5. | Maharashtra Times (Marathi) | Competitive Success Review (Weekly) |
6. | Loksatta (Marathi) | |
7. | Navbharat (Hindi) | |
8. | Dainik Bhaskar (Hindi) | |
9. | Hitavada (English) | |
10. | Times of India (English) | |
11. | Indian Express (English) | |
12. | The Economic Times (English) | |
13. | The Hindu (English) |
Physical Facilities
S.No. | Area | Description |
1. | Floor Space | 6400 sq m |
2. | Seating Capacity | 200 (Library) + 150 (Night Reading) |
3. | Water Coolers | One at each floor |
4. | Computer Terminals | 4 (OPAC Services) , 2 (Circulation) , 2(Data Entry), 1(KIOSK) |
5. | Telephone | 16 Inter Phones + 1 Outside Dialing Facility |
6. | Library Stacks | 525 (for Books, Bound volumes and reference collection + 60 Steel Almirahs + 22 Periodical Display Racks) |
7. | Lavatory Blocks | Two on each floor with one for Physically Handicapped on ground floor 3(Ground floor) + 2(1st Floor) + 2(2nd Floor) |
8. | Computer Machine | PCs – 19 |
Special Features
1. This is the first technical library offering Automated Library Services to its clientele in central India.
2. The collection development in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science are exceptionally RICH.
3. The Full Text / Images are downloadable in either HTML or PDF Format.
4.CCTV + WIFI Facilities.
5. Plagiarism detection tool like ” Turnitin”and “Urkund” is used by faculty and students.
6. IEEE SWEBOK online learning platform is available for students.
7. E-mail alert
8. Remote Access tool – My LOFT
Objectives of the Information and Library Unit
1. Identify, acquire, organize and provide access to relevant resources and recorded knowledge to support teaching, learning, research and creative activities.
2. Provide library services and resources in different formats that meet our patrons’ needs.
3.To help informally producing technical manpower for absorption in Indian industries and management.
4. Maintain a current well balanced collection of information and knowledge resources.
5. Educate patrons about the services and resources in the library.
6. Create a culture and ambience that is conductive to study at all levels.
Various Sections
1. Circulation
2. Cataloging/Technical Processing
3. Reference
4. Social Welfare Book Bank
5. Periodicals
6. Acquisition
7. Reprographic
8. Book Bank Section
9. Bound Volume Section
10. Rarely used books sections
Library Hours
Days | Sections | Reading room |
Monday to Friday | 8:30 am to 9:40 pm | Open for 24 Hrs |
Govt Holidays | 9:00 am to 4:10 pm | Open for 24 Hrs |
Sunday | Closed | Open for 24 Hrs |
Five Closed Holidays | Closed | Closed |
Five Closed Holidays:
(i) Republic day
(ii) Independence Day
(iii) Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti
(iv) Diwali
(v) Holi