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Organisation and Function
1.2 Power and duties of its officers and employees[Section 4(1) (b)(ii)]
5. POWERS OF THE BOARDIn addition to the powers provided under sub-section(1) of section 13 of the Act the Board shall be empowered:(i) to abolish, re-designate or change the nomenclature of any post in the institute;(ii) to make, modify or cancel the statutes with the approval of the visitor from time to time:Provided that the new Statute, additions or amendments of existing Statutes shall be applicable only after the assent of the visitor; and(iii) to make, modify and cancel all or any ordinances on recommendation of the Finance Committee or Senate of the !institute subject to the condition that making, modification and cancellation shall not be in contravention of the Act and (or) Statutes.
All orders and decisions of the Board shall be authenticated by the signature of the Director. In absence of Director, the Registrar or any person-authorised by the Board in this behalf.
1) The Senate shall meet as often as necessary but ordinarily not less than four times during a calendar year.
2) Meetings of the Senate shall be convened by the Chairman of the Senate either on his own motion or on a requisition signed by not less than one fifth of the members of the Senate.
3) Requisition meeting shall be a special meeting to discuss only those items of agenda for which requisition is given and shall necessarily be chaired by the Director and the requisition meeting shall be convened by the Chairman of the Senate on convenient date and time.
4) One third of the total number of members of the Senate shall form a quorum for a meeting of the senate.
5) The Director shall preside over every meeting of the Senate
Provided that in absence of the Director, Deputy Director shall preside and in the absence of both the Director and the Deputy Director, the senior most professor present shall preside at the meeting.
6) A written notice of every meeting together with the agenda shall be circulated by the Registrar to the members of the Senate at least 3 week before the meeting:
Provided that the Chairman of the Senate may permit inclusion of any item for which due notice has not been given.
7) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-statute (6), the Director may call an emergency meeting of the Senate at short notice to consider urgent special issues.
8) The ruling of the Chairman of the Senate with regard to all questions of procedure shall be final.
9) The minutes of the proceedings of a meeting of the Senate shall be drawn up by the Registrar in consultation with Dean Academics and circulated to all the members of senate present in India:
Provided that any such minutes shall not be circulated if the Senate considers such circulation prejudicial to the interests of the Institute or the Government of India.
10) The minutes, along with amendments, if any, suggested shall be placed for confirmation at the next meeting of the Senate and after the minutes are confirmed and signed by the Chairman of the Senate, they shall be recorded in a minute book which shall be kept open for inspection of the members of the Senate, the Board and the Council at all times during office hours.
Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Senate shall have the power to:
(i) frame and revise curricula and syllabi for the courses of studies for the various Departments and Centres;
(ii) make arrangements for the conduct of examinations; appointment of examiners, moderators, tabulators and other matters relating to the examinations; .
(iii) declare the results of the examinations or to appoint Committees or Officers to do so and to make recommendations to the – Board regarding conferment or grant of degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions or titles;
(iv) appoint Advisory Committees or Expert Committees or both for the Departments or Centres of the institute to make recommendations on academic matters connected with the working of the Departments or Centres;
(v) appoint Committees from amongst the members of the Senate. other teachers of the Institute and experts from outside to advise on such specific and important
academic matters as may be referred to any such Committee by the Senate;
(vi) consider the recommendations of the Advisory Committees attached to various Departments or Centres and that of Expert and other Committees and take such action (including the making of recommendations to the Board) as warranted by each case;
(vii) make periodical review of the activities of the Departments or Centres and take appropriate action (including the making of recommendations to the Board);
supervise the working of the Library of the Institute;
(viii) promote research and academic development or activity within the Institute and seek reports on such research or academic development or activity from the persons engaged therein;
(ix) provide for the inspection of the class rooms, Laboratories, Library and the Residential Hostels;
(x) plan co-curricular activities of the students of the Institute;
(xi) award stipends, scholarships, medals and prizes and makes other awards if accordance with such conditions as may be attached to the awards;
(xii) make recommendations to the Board with regard to the creation or restructuring of Departments or Programmes or Centres and the abolition of existing Departments or Centres thereof;
(xiii) make recommendations to the Board to disseminate knowledge through distance learning mode to various parts of the State or country or abroad and in the cases of signing of agreement with the foreign agency, agreement may be signed with the approval of the Ministry;
(xiv) invite up to two student representatives during discussion of general nature not involving policy o~ disciplinary matters in the Senate meetings.
If, in the opinion of the Chairman of the Senate, any emergency has arisen which requires immediate action, he may take such action as he deems necessary and shall report the same for approval to the Senate in its next meeting.
(1) There shall be a Finance Committee for each Institute consisting of the following members, namely:
(i) the Chairperson Board of Governors, ex-officio Chairman;
(ii) the Director, ex-officio member;
(iii) Joint Secretary dealing with National Institutes of Technology or his nominee and Financial Advisor (Human Resource Development) or his Nominee members;
(iv) two persons nominated by the Board from amongst its members; and
(v) the Registrar, ex-officio, Member-Secretary:
Provided that in addition to the above, the Chairman may invite an expert as special invitee, however, the special invitee may not have voting rights;
(2) All financial proposals shall be placed before the Finance Committee prior to being placed before the Board for consideration and approval;
(3) The Finance Committee shall meet ordinarily four times in a year preferably before the meeting of the Board of Governors;
(4) Four Members of the Finance Committee shall form a quorum for a meeting of the Finance Committee;
(5) The Chairman, shall preside over the meetings of the Finance Committee and in his absence, the Director shall preside over the meetings;
(6) The provisions in these First Statutes regarding notices of the meeting, inclusion of items in the agenda and confirmation of the minutes applicable to the meetings of the Board shall, so far as practicable may be, followed in connection with the meetings of the Finance Committee;
(7) A copy of the minutes of every meeting of the Finance Committee shall be placed before the Board;
The Finance Committee shall have power to:-
(i) examine and scrutinize the annual budget of the Institute prepared by the Director and make recommendations to the Board; and
(ii) give its views and make its recommendations on any financial proposals or issues affecting the Institute to the Board either on the initiative of the Board or of the Director, or on its own motion.
There shall be a Building and Works Committee for each of the Institute, consisting of following members, namely :- (i) the Director, ex-officio Chairman;
(ii) Director or Deputy Secretary or his nominee dealing with the National Institutes of Technology in the Ministry and Director or Deputy Secretary or his nominee dealing with Finance of the National Institutes of Technology in the Ministry as Ex-Officio Members of the Central Government.
(iii) one member nominated by the Board of Governors
(iv) Registrar, ex-officio, Member Secretary
(v) Dean, planning and development or similar position- Member; and
(vi) one expert each from Civil and Electrical Engineering Wing of Central or State Government or any autonomous body of repute – Member.
The Building and Works Committee shall meet as often as necessary but ordinarily not less than four times a year. Four members shall form a quorum for a meeting of the Building and Works Committee. The provisions in these Statutes regarding notice of meeting, inclusion of items in the agenda and confirmation of the minutes applicable to the meeting of the Board shall, as far as practicable may be followed in connection with meetings of the Building and Works Committee also. A copy of the minutes of every meeting of the Building and Works Committee shall be placed before the Board together with the recommendations of the Finance Committee on specific proposal or proposals which requires approval of the Board.
1. The Building and Works Committee shall,
(i) under the directions of the Board shall carry on construction of all major works, after the necessary administrative approval and expenditure sanction from the Board;
(ii) have the power to give the necessary administrative approval and expenditure sanction for minor works and works pertaining to repair and maintenance, within the approved budgetary provision of the Institute and the Board will define the minor work and minor repair and maintenance in terms of quantum or expenditure;
(iii) cause to prepare estimates of cost of buildings and other capital works, minor works, repairs, maintenance and the like. The Building and Works Committee shall approve the cost estimates for minor works, minor repairs and maintenance.
(iv) be responsible for making technical scrutiny of the design, estimates and specifications of the material as may be considered necessary:
(v) be responsible for enlistment of suitable contractors and acceptance of tenders and shall have the power to give directions for departmental works where necessary duly recommended by the Dean (P&D) of the Institute.
(vi) have the power to settle rates not covered by tender and settle claims and disputes with contractors:
If in the opinion of the Chairman of the Building and Works Committee, any emergency has arisen which requires immediate action to be taken, he shall take such action and report the same to the Building and Works Committee and the Board at their next meeting.
The Building and Works Committee shall also perform such function and exercise such powers as may be entrusted by the Board from time to time.
In addition to the powers provided in the Act, the Chairperson of the Board of Governors shall have the following powers, namely:- .
(i) he shall have the power to fix. on the recommendations of the Selection Committee, the initial pay of an incumbent at a stage higher than the minimum of the scale in respect of posts to which the appointments can be made by the Board under the provisions of the Act:
(ii) he shall have the power to send members of the staff, except the Director, of the Institute for training or for a course of instruction, outside India subject to such terms and conditions as may be laid down by the Board from time to time and the visit abroad by the Director shall be approved by the Chairman, National Institutes of Technology Council;
(iii) he shall execute the contract of service between the Institute and the Director on behalf of the Central Government, but he shall not be personally liable of anything under such contract; and
(iv) In emergent cases the Chairperson may exercise the powers of the Board and inform the Board of the action taken by him for confirmation and ratification.
The Director of the Institute shall be appointed by the Visitor on contract basis on the recommendations of a Search – cum – Selection Committee constituted by him consisting of at least five members. The Chairperson of the Council shall be its Chairperson and the Secretary of the Department of Higher Education or his representative shall be one of its members besides three other experts in the field of technical education with experience at national and international level.
The Director shall be appointed for a period of five years and shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Contract of Service entered into between the Institute and the Director in form specified in Schedule-A.
Subject to the budget provisions made for the specific purpose, the Director shall have the power to incur expenditure in accordance with the procedure as may be laid down in the ordinances.
The Director shall have the power to appropriate funds with respect to different items constituting the recurring budget up to a limit specified for the Head of Department in the Central Government for each item:
Provided that such appropriation shall not involve any increase in the budget and any liability in future years:
Provided further that every such appropriation shall as soon as possible, be reported to the Board.
The Director shall have the power to write off irrecoverable losses up to a limit of ten thousand rupees and of irrecoverable value of store items lost or rendered unserviceable, due to normal wear and tear or obsolete up to a limit of twenty five thousand rupees subject to such stipulations as may be made by the Board from time to time.
The Director shall have the power to donate obsolete equipment or store items, as identified by a Committee constituted for this purpose by the Director, to any educational institution in the vicinity of the Institute up to such limits as may be decided by the Board from time to time.
The Director, where he is the appointing authority, shall have the power to fix, on the recommendations of the Selection Committee, the initial pay of an incumbent at a stage higher’ than the minimum, of the scale, but not involving more than five increments, in respect of posts to which appointment than be made by him under the powers vested in him by the provision of the Act or these statutes,
The Director shall have the power to employ Teaching Supporting Staff in the Laboratories, Technicians or Technical Instructors and Skilled Workmen, paid from contingencies from time to time, for not more than one year on such remuneration as may be decided by the Board.
The Director shall have the power to send members of the staff for training or to attend course of instruction inside India subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified by the ordinances.
The Director shall have the power to sanction temporary allocation of any building for any purpose other than that for which it was constructed. .
If for any reason the Registrar is temporarily absent for a period not exceeding one month; the Director may take over or assign to any faculty member or member of staff of the Institute, any of the functions of the Registrar as he deems fit:
Provided that if at any’ time the temporary absence; of the Registrar exceeds one month, the Board may, if it thinks fit, authorize the Director to take over or assign the function of the Registrar, for a period exceeding one month.
All contracts for and on behalf of the Institute except the one between the Institute and the Director shall when authorised by a resolution of the Board passed in that behalf be in writing and be expressed to be made in the name of the Institute and every such contract shall be executed on behalf of the Institute by the Director, but the Director shall not be personally liable in respect of anything under such contract.
The Director may, during his absence from headquarters, specifically authorise in writing the Deputy Director or in his absence, one of the Deans or the Senior most Professor present to sanction advances for travelling allowance, contingencies and medical treatment of the staff and sign and counter-sign bills on his behalf.
The Director may, at his discretion constitute such committees, as he may consider appropriate for smooth functioning of the Institute.
In the event of the occurrence of any vacancy in the office of the Chairperson by reason of his death, resignation or otherwise or in the event of the Chairperson being unable to discharge his functions owing to absence, illness or any other cause, tile Director may discharge the functions assigned to the Chairperson under section 16 of the Act.
The Director may, with the approval of the Board delegate any of his powers, authorities or responsibilities vested in him by virtue of the Act and Statutes to one or more members of Academic or Administrative Staff of the Institute.
The disciplinary powers for Director of the Institute shall be decided by the Board of Governors of the respective National Institute of Technology from time to time.
1. The appointment of the Deputy Director shall be made by the Board on the recommendations of the Selection Committee constituted in terms of provisions under Statutes 23 (5) (a) of the First Statutes of National Institutes of Technology.
2. The appointment shall be for a period of three years initially which may be extended by two times for one year each on recommendation of the Board.
3. The Deputy Director shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Contract of Service entered into between the Institute and the Deputy Director in the form specified in Schedule-B.
4. The Deputy Director shall have a1l the powers of the Director during the vacancy in the post of Director of the Institute.
5. The Deputy Director shall assist the Director in academic and administrative work and in maintaining liaison with other institutions of higher learning and research, and also with industrial undertakings and other employers.
1. The Institute shall establish not more than six Deanships.
2. The Director shall appoint the Deans with intimation to the Chairperson, Board of Governors.
3. The Dean shall hold his post for two years extendable by one more year.
4. Only Professors or Associate Professors shall be eligible for becoming Deans.
5. Broad functions of Deans are enumerated in the Schedule ‘C’.
Each Department and Centre of the Institute shall be placed in charge of a Head who shall be selected by the Director. from amongst the Professors and Associate Professors of that Department or Centre: Provided that if a Department or Centre has no Professor or Associate Professor, the Director may appoint an Assistant Professor of that Department or Centre to head the Department or Centre.
The Head of a Department or Centre shall hold his post for a term of two years. Provided that after the expiry of his term of office, he shall continue to hold office till the appointment of his successor:
/ Provided further that no person shall head a Department or Centre continuously for a period exceeding three years unless he is specially appointed at least for a second term.
The Director may himself take temporary charge of a Department or place it under the charge of the Deputy Director or a Professor from another Department for a period not exceeding six months. The Head of Department shall be responsible for the entire working of the Department subject to the general control and supervision of the Director. The Head of Department shall be duty bound to see that the decisions of the authorities of the Institute and of Director are faithfully carried out. He shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Director or Senate. When appointment to the post of Head of Department or Centre becomes due, the Director shall ascertain the willingness of the persons eligible to be appointed as Head, for being so appointed, and shall generally select a person by rotation from among eligible and willing persons. Whenever it is proposed to deviate from the principle of rotation, such appointment shall be made only with the prior approval of the Chairperson, Board of Governors and for reasons to be recorded in writing and shall also be reported to the Senate and the Board, along with reasons for deviation in their next meetings.
The Registrar shall be appointed for a fixed term of not exceeding five years on deputation or contract basis. The Registrar shall act as Secretary of the Board, Senate and such other Committees to which he may be required by the Statutes to act as such. The review of performance of the Registrar upon completion of one years of service may be carried out by the Committee to be constituted by the Board. Duties:
Sr. No. | Group | Designation |
Department/Cadre |
Nature of work performed |
1. | Group A | Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor | Academic Depatments |
2. | Group A | Registrar |
3. | Group A | Deputy Registrar/Joint Registrar | Academic |
4. | Group A | Deputy Registrar/Joint Registrar | Accounts |
5. | Group A | Stores |
6. | Group A | Administration |
7. | Group A | Assistant Registrar | Exam |
8. | Group A | Hostel |
9. | Group A | Accounts |
10. | Group A | Internal Auditor |
11. | Group A | Establishment |
12. | Group A | Librarian | Library and Information Centre |
13. | Deputy Librarian | |||
14. | Assistant Librarian |
15. | Group A | Principle SAS Officer | Physical Education (Sports) |
16. | Senior SAS Officer | |||
17. | SAS Officer | |||
18. | Lecturer | |||
19. | Group A | Principle Technical Officer |
Network / Computer Centre |
20. | Senior Technical Officer |
21. |
Group A |
Technical Officer |
22. | Group A | Superintendent Engineer | Estate Maintainance |
23. |
Senior Executive Engineer |
24. | Executive Engineer | |||
25. | Group A | Senior Medical Officer | Health Centre |
26. | Medical Officer |
Sr. No. | Group | Designation | Department/Cadre | Nature of work performed |
1. | Group C | Technician | Cadre-4 Lower Technical |
2. | Senior Technician | |||
3. | Technician SG-II | |||
4. | Technician SG-I | |||
5. | Group B | Technicial Assistant | Cadre-5 Higher Technical |
6. | Senior Technical Assistant | |||
7. | Technical Assistant SG-II | |||
8. | Technical Assistant SG-I | |||
9. | Jr. Engineer |
10. | Assistant Engineer |
11. | Assistant Engineer SG-II | |||
12. | Assistant Engineer SG-I | |||
13. | SAS Assistant |
14. | Senior SAS Assistant | |||
15. | SAS Assistant SG-II | |||
16. | SAS Assistant SG-I | |||
17. | Library and Information Assistant |
18. | Senior Library and Information Assistant | |||
19. | Library and Information Assistant SG-II | |||
20. | Group B | Library and Information Assistant SG-I | ||
21. | Group C | Pharmacist | Cadre-6 Pharmacist |
22. | Group C | Sr. Pharmacist | ||
23. | Group B | Pharmacist SG-II | ||
24. | Group B | Pharmacist SG-I | ||
25. | Cadre -2 Lower Ministerial |
26. | ||||
27. | ||||
28. | ||||
29. | Cadre -3 Higher Ministerial |
30. | ||||
31. | ||||
32. | ||||
33. | Group C | Stenographer | Cadre -2 Lower Ministerial |
34. | Senior Stenographer | |||
35. | Group B | Stenographer SG-II | ||
36. | Stenographer SG-I | |||
37. | Group B | Personal Assistant | Cadre -3 Higher Ministerial |
38. | Senior Personal Assistant | |||
39. | Private Secretary | |||
40. | Group C | Office Attedant | Cadre-1 Support Cadre | Any work allotted by section head / HOD’s / Departmental Staff / competent authority as per institute need. |
41. | Senior Office Attedant | |||
42. | Office Attedant SG-II | |||
43. | Office Attedant SG-I | |||
44. | Lab Attedant | |||
45. | Senior Lab Attendant | |||
46. | Lab Attedant SG-II | |||
47. | Lab Attendant SG-I | |||
48. | Group B | Security Officer | Security Section |
Ans: As per NIT Act & NIT Statute
- As per assigned by competent authority and the need of the institute.